Ignore exceptions to overcome failed snapshots

Use the IgnoreExceptions feature to overcome failed snapshots due to workloads not in a ready state

Description: Job failed to be executed

K10 has retry logic to overcome service interruptions during any job. If a Backup does not succeed after 3 retries, it is marked as failed. To get a quick look of pertinent error(s), open the Job Details pane by clicking on the respective failed job.  In the Job Details pane, click on Phases to view the failed job and respective errors.

Error: Deployment not in ready state

To avoid failure and corruption on recovery, K10 ensures all workloads in a namespace are properly running. If a workload is not in a running state, the backup job will fail. This is by design.


There are two ways to overcome such failures:

  1. Identify and resolve which resource in the namespace is the culprit. 
    (e.g., If a pod is not in a running state, debug it further to understand the root cause)
  2. If a resource in the namespace is expected to be non-functional and if it is deemed ok to proceed with the backup, K10 has an Ignore Exceptions feature, that can be chosen to ignore any failures.

    Manual action: Ignore exceptions and continue if possible

    Policy: (bottom) Ignore Exceptions and Continue if Possible While taking snapshots

Warning: If Exceptions are ignored, Application Restores might be impacted.