K10 Troubleshooting Guide

Identify and resolve common issues.

Backup Actions

Description Error Resolution
Ignore Exceptions to overcome failed snapshots Deployment not in ready state https://kb.kasten.io/knowledge/ignore-exceptions-failed-snapshots


Restore Actions

Description Error Resolution
Restore fails due to SCC issue Failed to restore spec artifacts https://kb.kasten.io/knowledge/clone-fails-due-to-permission-issue
Restore job fails with ImagePull error Failed to pull image (ErrImagePull) https://kb.kasten.io/knowledge/clone-fails-with-imagepull-error
XFS volume does not mount Duplicate UUID found



Export Actions

Description Error Resolution
Export fails with a timeout for large PVCs Context Deadline exceeded https://kb.kasten.io/knowledge/exportaction-fails-with-a-timeout
Export jobs fail due to Object Storage issue Job failed to be executed - Invalid repository password https://kb.kasten.io/knowledge/exports-dont-work-after-k10-reinstall


Import Actions

Description Error Resolution
Failed import jobs in target cluster No kopia manifests found in the repository https://kb.kasten.io/knowledge/import-failing-with-no-kopia-manifests

Import job doesn't run

No action was taken because the import artifacts already existed https://kb.kasten.io/knowledge/import-job-doesnt-run

Import fails with authentication failed error messages

chacha20poly1305: message authentication failed https://kb.kasten.io/knowledge/how-to-fix-failures-during-import