How to backup MutatingWebHookConfiguration (cluster-scoped resource)

This guide provides steps to create a policy and backup the mutatingwebhookconfiguration, using as an example HashCorp Vault app.

Kasten K10 provides the option to backup cluster-scoped resources. This enables non-spaced resources that are required for the application to be backed up and restored during a disaster recovery condition.

Steps to get the MutatingWebHookConfiguration details:

1. Details can be checked getting the output (yaml)

kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfiguration -o yaml

2. Following parameters that must be noted from the yaml for creating the policy.
    1. Group :
    2. Version: v1
    3. Resource: mutatingwebhookconfigurations ("s" added to the end since resource type must be in plural)
    4. Name: vault-agent-injector-svc (according to the app used in this example)

3. Remember to remove any caps letters from all the parameters before adding in the policy.

Creating the policy

  • From the K10 dashboard create a normal policy for the application being backed up. Switch on the option "Snapshot Cluster-Scoped resources" and select "Filter Cluster-Scoped resources":

  • Expand new options, "Include filters" will appear, that is where the parameters can be added:

  • After adding all parameters, click "add filter" and change any other option as required for the environment. The policy should look like the image below:


  • Execute the policy and after it completes, the resources backed up can be checked accessing the details on the right side panel:

The mutatingwebhookconfiguration was backed up with success as confirmed in the policy run details.

For more information about adding other cluster-scoped resources, please refer to our documentation at: