Debugging K10 backups failing with `Too many snapshots` while using Longhorn as a storage provisioner

Problem description: 

K10 backupaction for longhorn volumes fails with the error message too many snapshots created.


When integrating with CSI based volumes, K10 uses volumesnapshot resources to provision a snapshot during the backup action. 

In case of longhorn, as soon as the volumesnapshot and its corresponding volumesnapshotcontent resource is created by the snapshot-controller, Longhorn creates a resource and synchronises it to create a backend longhorn snapshot. 

And based on retention, K10 deletes this volumesnapshotcontent resource to remove the snapshot. 

However, Longhorn does not directly remove the resource that it creates. It just marks the snapshot as removed but does not purge it. 

In due course, this builds up the number of snapshots per volume when the backup runs for this volume and starts failing when reaches the limit of 254 snapshots per longhorn volume. 

Below is the sample snapshot count for a sample application that was set to retain 8 snapshots in K10. 

#PVC in one sample namespace 
❯ kubectl get pvc -n postgresql 
NAME                         STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE 
data-postgres-postgresql-0   Bound    pvc-fafda05d-314e-420f-bf37-d7365b31ea1c   8Gi        RWO            longhorn       24h 
#count of volumesnapshot resource 
❯ kubectl get volumesnapshot -n postgresql --no-headers|wc -l 

#Count of longhorn snapshot CRs 
❯ kubectl get -n longhorn-system |grep pvc-fafda05d-314e-420f-bf37-d7365b31ea1c |wc -l 

Below is the screenshot from Longhorn UI showing hidden snapshots which are marked as removed but not purged. 


Currently, Longhorn does not purge the removed snapshots automatically when the volumesnapshot/volumesnapshotcontent resources are deleted from the k8s cluster. 

Longhorn introduced a new type of recurring job called snapshot-cleanup starting from its version 1.4.1 to purge removed snapshots and system snapshots. 

This can be used to purge the removed snapshots from longhorn backend.  

It can be created both from the longhorn UI or the kubectl API 

From the Longhorn UI, RecurringJob -> create RecurringJob

select Group if default group needs to be added (Having default in groups will automatically schedule this recurring job to any volume with no recurring job). 

Use the below kubectl command to create the recurringJob resource from the CLI. 

cat << EOF | kubectl create –f - 
kind: RecurringJob 
  name: snapshot-cleanup 
  namespace: longhorn-system 
  concurrency: 1 
  cron: 0 * * * * 
  - default 
  labels: {} 
  name: snapshot-cleanup 
  retain: 0 
  task: snapshot-cleanup 

The recurring Job creates a K8s cronjob resource which in turn runs snapshot-cleanup pod as per the cron expression specified during the job creation. 

Below is the log from the snapshot-cleanup pod that ran after the creation of the recurring job. 

❯ kubectl logs snapshot-cleanup-28069140-c8cm5 -n longhorn-system 
time="2023-05-15T11:00:00Z" level=debug msg="Setting allow-recurring-job-while-volume-detached is false" 
time="2023-05-15T11:00:00Z" level=debug msg="Get volumes from label" 
time="2023-05-15T11:00:00Z" level=debug msg="Get volumes from label" 
time="2023-05-15T11:00:00Z" level=info msg="Found 1 volumes with recurring job snapshot-cleanup" 
time="2023-05-15T11:00:00Z" level=info msg="Creating job" concurrent=1 groups=default job=snapshot-cleanup labels="{\"RecurringJob\":\"snapshot-cleanup\"}" retain=0 task=snapshot-cleanup volume=pvc-84d3d7d0-3abc-427c-a959-5ccc7da912a5 
time="2023-05-15T11:00:01Z" level=info msg="job starts running" labels="map[RecurringJob:snapshot-cleanup]" namespace=longhorn-system retain=0 snapshotName=snapshot-90135f33-93ce-4de4-829b-4dd01db2d827 task=snapshot-cleanup volumeName=pvc-84d3d7d0-3abc-427c-a959-5ccc7da912a5 
time="2023-05-15T11:00:01Z" level=info msg="Running recurring snapshot for volume pvc-84d3d7d0-3abc-427c-a959-5ccc7da912a5" labels="map[RecurringJob:snapshot-cleanup]" namespace=longhorn-system retain=0 snapshotName=snapshot-90135f33-93ce-4de4-829b-4dd01db2d827 task=snapshot-cleanup volumeName=pvc-84d3d7d0-3abc-427c-a959-5ccc7da912a5 
time="2023-05-15T11:00:01Z" level=debug msg="Purged snapshots" labels="map[RecurringJob:snapshot-cleanup]" namespace=longhorn-system retain=0 snapshotName=snapshot-90135f33-93ce-4de4-829b-4dd01db2d827 task=snapshot-cleanup volume=pvc-84d3d7d0-3abc-427c-a959-5ccc7da912a5 volumeName=pvc-84d3d7d0-3abc-427c-a959-5ccc7da912a5 
time="2023-05-15T11:00:01Z" level=info msg="Finished recurring snapshot" labels="map[RecurringJob:snapshot-cleanup]" namespace=longhorn-system retain=0 snapshotName=snapshot-90135f33-93ce-4de4-829b-4dd01db2d827 task=snapshot-cleanup volumeName=pvc-84d3d7d0-3abc-427c-a959-5ccc7da912a5 
time="2023-05-15T11:00:01Z" level=info msg="Created job" concurrent=1 groups=default job=snapshot-cleanup labels="{\"RecurringJob\":\"snapshot-cleanup\"}" retain=0 task=snapshot-cleanup volume=pvc-84d3d7d0-3abc-427c-a959-5ccc7da912a5 


Please refer to below longhorn documentation to read more about recurringJobs.