UX issues in K10 6.5.3 version

This document provides information about few UX issues that users might encounter in K10 6.5.3 version

We have identified the following user interface issues in K10 6.5.3 version.

These issues will be resolved in 6.5.4, the next software release of K10

Issues and Workarounds

1. System Information Page

Issue: Cannot download debug logs

Workaround: If the system interface doesn't allow downloading debug logs, you can use the following  script to collect the necessary logs manually.

 curl -s https://docs.kasten.io/tools/k10_debug.sh | bash;

For detailed instructions, refer to the Debug Log Collection Script section in our documentation.


Issue: Storage classes not displayed

Workaround: Use kubectl to retrieve storageclass information

 kubectl get storageclass

2. Data Usage Page

Issue: Data usage page may not display any information.

Workaround: This limitation is recognized in version 6.5.3. This will be resolved in K10 version 6.5.4. As an alternate way of monitoring data usage, grafana can be used for monitoring. Please refer to our documentation for 'Monitoring' K10.

3. Applications Page

Issue: Cannot display cluster details options

Workaround:  Cluster information can be accessed directly through kubectl commands or through API calls as documented in our API Reference Guide.

kubectl get applications.apps.kio.kasten.io --namespace kasten-io \

4. Policy Form

Issue: Filter cluster-scoped resources via UI

Workaround: Policies can still be created and filters applied through the Command Line Interface (CLI). For detailed instructions on creating policies and filters with CLI, please consult the Policy Creation via CLI section in our documentation.


The above issues will be resolved in 6.5.4, the next software release of K10